Demolition by Neglect: Saving a building in four days

Saturday, October 7th at 2pm at 113 Liberty Street, Hanson Liberty

Join us to hear Johanna Yaun and Joan Porr talk about how individual and community efforts can save the city’s architecture. In the first part of the talk Johanna Yuan will share the story of a Newburgh building at Broadway & Carpenter that was nearly demolished and what she did to rally the community and politicians to save it. In the second part of the talk Joan Porr discuss the efforts of preservationists who fought tirelessly to save A.J. Downing-related buildings from Urban Renewal demolition in the 1970s. Learn how these preservation efforts helped pave the path for Newburgh to become the second largest historic district in the state. During this talk you’ll also learn about the self-guided tour of buildings designed by Downing and other contemporary architects, as well as the historic marker at 355 Grand Street and the dedication marker for celebrated author David Schuyler in Downing Park.

This program is presented as part of @archtober, NYC's annual architecture and design festival.


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