Regional Connector

A birds-eye view of the Lower Hudson Valley region around the communities of Newburgh and Beacon reveals the emergence of a truly impressive mobility network. A network which brings together an abundance of pedestrian and biking assets spread across two counties and five communities.

As incredible as this network is, we have identified a crucial missing link which limits its connectivity and full potential.

The link is the Newburgh-Beacon Regional Connector, a planned one mile pedestrian and bike path joining the Metro North Train Station with the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge.

In addition to connectivity, it provides the following benefits:

Transit: With over 400 people living within a mile of the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge commuting to New York City via MTA trains, the link will offer a far-shorter, far-safer way to walk or bike to the station. More significantly, with 30% of Newburgh’s residents having no access to a car, the Connector offers a very real path to expanding employment possibilities. 

Recreation: The Connector will enable these communities to move among one another to enjoy recreation assets.  Remarkably, the MTA station at Beacon happens to also be the trailheads for Beacon’s Fishkill Creek Greenway Trail, The Fjord Trail, the Beacon to Hopewell Junction Rail Trail, and the broader trail networks to which they connect. Across the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge are the mobility assets of the City of Newburgh, including the Quassaick Creek Greenway, the city’s waterfront, and a bounty of cultural and historical sites. 

Social Justice: 125,000 people populate the communities of this region, communities which are almost entirely designated as disadvantaged. The City of Newburgh has a poverty rate of 40%. Connecting these people to transportation alternatives at their doorstep has been mandated by the CLCPA and has great potential to improve their quality of life.

Environmental: Through the transit benefits noted above, greenhouse gas emissions are mitigated and air quality is improved. By encouraging walking and biking over cars, and use of mass transit by facilitating connections to Metro North station, vehicle miles traveled are reduced, and transportation alternatives become more widely adopted. In addition, engaging communities with the natural environment fosters awareness and stewardship.

Economic: By expanding access to broader employment opportunities, the economy of this region is enhanced. Providing non-vehicular transit options to those currently disproportionately using costly taxis and other ride-hailing services further improves economic well-being. Tourism to this region seeking out the recreational riches of the broader mobility network will bring with it economic benefits, both in terms of sales revenue, and increased property values.

Prior planning work that has influenced includes:

  1. Regional Connector aka Beacon Hudson River Trail: A planned multi-use trail linking the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge to the MNR Beacon Train station (2016).

  2. Fishkill Hudson River Trail: A multi-use trail extending from Regional Connector to Wappinger. 

  3. Orange County Planning’s 9W Connector: A planned multi-modal link between Route 9W and the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge (2023).

  4. Beacon to Hopewell Rail Trail feasibility study: Trail will connect to Empire State Trail. Included in Dutchess Long Range Transportation Plan (current).

  5. Brownfield Opportunity Area: Newburgh’s current community planning for 144 acres of downtown’s urban renewal area (current). 

  6. Newburgh Bike Action Plan: A strategic plan to improve and expand bike infrastructure (2020)

  7. Hudson Highlands Fjord Trail: Multi-use trail between Beacon and Coldspring Train stations (current).

    Regional Connector has forged grassroots collaborations and partnerships. Those include :

    • HGAR Wayfinding mural at Newburgh Beacon Bridge (Oct 2024)

    • Newburgh Bike Garden at Horizons on the Hudson Elementary School (2023)

    • Rescinding Curfew on Newburgh Beacon Bridge’s Ped/Bike Pathway (2021-2022)

    • Critical Mass Bike Rides to promote cycling (2019-current)

    • Beacon Bicycle Coalition to rally for bike infrastructure. (2024 -current)

    • Let’s Bike Community Events with Scenic Hudson (2020, 2024)


Archtober Newburgh 2024


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